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  • Writer's pictureMiss IfeOluwa

Welcome to my journey of being the lady God made me to be

Updated: May 30, 2022

My name is IfeOluwa Ogunleye, born May.9th,2003. As of today I am 18 years old. My dream is to be a blessed housewife. Jesus Christ is my savior and I dedicate my life to his work. A while ago I decided I would seek out God's purpose for me. So I looked at what the Bible has to say specifically to ladies. God made life simple for ladies like me. We were created to be a helpmeet to man and a keeper at home. I now spend my time preparing for my exciting high calling and purpose to be a helpmeet. All of my hobbies revolve around achieving that goal. A goal set for myself upon learning the plain scriptures that tell me what to do with my life to be pleasing to God and have a wonderful testimony.

This blog will be like a scrapbook of my life where I will talk about my interests. My interests all revolve around becoming a virtuous woman like the one in Proverbs 31 as well as so I can be the best housewife for my future husband.

My interests and hobbies include these:

🤍Learning Housekeeping: So I can know how to keep a home when I'm married

🤍Learning to be a Biblical Christian Wife: So I can learn to be the best Christian for my dearest husband. I do this mainly through books.

🤍Learning about Babies: So I can be prepared for when I'm blessed with children if the Lord so opens my womb for them. I do this mainly through books.

🤍Reading wholesome fiction books about wifehood, child-raising, femininity and pregnancy: To focus on the lovely and the good and to grow my desire towards good things.

🤍Health and Fitness: To look beautiful and trim to and attractive in mind and body for my future husband. Also, so I know how to raise my children to be healthier.

🤍Homesteading, canning and cooking: So my family will be self-sufficient and know where their food comes from.

🤍Sewing, knitting, crocheting and needle felting: So I can be able to make my own clothes for fun, and my children's clothes for sentimental purposes. So I can currently make things for my future babies, focusing on the lovely and good again and I believe being able to sew is a practical skill that's is even shown in Proverbs 31!

🤍Breastfeeding: I want to know all I need to know about healthy breastfeeding for my baby.

🤍Soft, cottage-like, elegant and feminine fashion: I believe it best reflects my inside and it makes me look pretty.

🤍Biblical truths pertaining to keeping the home, modesty, prayer and Jesus: To be mature in my spiritual walk.

🤍Natural beauty and food!: I do not like synthetic person-made chemicals that are sunken into skin or ingested. I believe the best thing to do for health is to keep it as God made it when it comes to food and body care! I do this for my family, me and future family.

🤍Biblical Lady-hood: Learning how to actually be feminine. Being feminine should not be just defined by culture it is defined by the bible and is timeless. I like to learn about being a proper lady.

🤍Planning my future, preparing myself for my future: I like to know where I'm going!

🤍Politics: Cause if we don't take any stand on what goes on in our country the world will make the stand for us.

🤍Art and maybe business: I believe art is a wonderful form of self-expression and I may or may not try to earn money off of my creativity. It depends.

🤍And most of all learning about Jesus, the reason I know where I'm going in the first place.

So, topics like these are what you will see on my blog! I might expand my topics but that is to be determined. Welcome.

~Beliefs about women:

🤍God's will for young women:

-God's will is for them to marry and guide the home and bear children (1 Tim 5:14)

-Young women are to be discrete, chaste, good, obedient to their husband and keepers at home (Titus 2:5)

🤍For Older women:

-Are to have holy behavior, to have a clean mind, and not falsely accuse (Titus 2:3)

-Older women should teach young women in matters regarding loving their husbands, children being chaste and guiding the home (Titus 2:3-5)

🤍For all women:

-Women are to be modest, shamefaced and should adorn themselves inwardly more than with outward jewelry. (1 Tim 2:9)

-Women should cultivate a meek and quiet spirit (1 Pet 3:4)

-Women should keep silent in church matters and not be teachers over men (1 Tim 11-14)

-Women are blessed in childbearing, faith, charity, holiness and sober mindedness. (1 Tim 2:15)

One of my favorite scriptures: Proverbs 31:10

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

How to go to heaven (the Gospel):

1.Understand that you're a sinner and your sin is what condemns you to hell (Romans 6:23)

2. Understand there is nothing you can do in your own ability to make your sins go away. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

3. Understand that God became man, in the form of Jesus Christ and then died in the place of all sinners to offer a rescue. Understand he was burried and rose again on the third day. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

4. Believe on Jesus's sacrfice as your ONLY hope to get heaven. Once you believe that he died, was burried and rose for you, his righetouness is transferred to you and God will give you eternal life, forever. (John 3:15-18)

Final Words: If and only IF you have believed in Jesus Christ as the savior from your sins and way to heaven and him only, you're now saved from hell forever and will go to heaven when you die no matter what. You can not loose your eternal life, because eternal is forever.

1 John 5:12-

He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

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